Learning Today,
Leading Tomorrow

We believe that poverty should not come between a child and her bright future.

Harivilas Foundation is an established educational charity in Chennai, India, focused on helping students complete their schooling. We do this by primarily providing scholarships for qualified low-income kids towards their school fees. We also provide medical aid for the family members when such medical expenses could impact the child's schooling.

According to UNESCO, close to 258 million children don't have access to primary education. For the majority of them, this is simply due to their parents' overwhelming poverty.

At Harivilas Foundation we believe that education is the best way to break the cycle of generational poverty, and we are committed to doing our bit, even if it is in only a small corner of the world. An educated girl or boy could, with their increased income, raise the standard of living for their entire family. Their achievement, in turn, shapes the educational goals and career aspirations of the next generation. With access to education, the entire family begins to see opportunities where none seemed to exist before.

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Making a Difference






Medical help